Proxmox and incorrect Windows RAM reporting
Is your Windows Proxmox guest reporting high RAM usage in the Proxmox management interface? There’s an easy fix for that.
Is your Windows Proxmox guest reporting high RAM usage in the Proxmox management interface? There’s an easy fix for that.
Can Windows Server boot in less than 20 seconds? Watch… and see for yourself!
How do you go from “know-nothing” to a comfortable computer user? Well, you start with the basics (pardon the pun)! Are you one of those folks that isn’t sure what the Start button, or start menu, is? If so, this article is right down your alley.
Once you have your Windows VM imported into Proxmox, booting up and running successfully, you can install VirtIO or SCSI drivers and switch your hard disk interface over for better performance. But how can you install drivers for hardware that’s not even connected to Windows?